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Featured, Lifestyle

from the weekend: starting to feel like spring

March 23, 2015

IMG_8353Happy Monday friends!

I’m kicking this week off with a new series: ‘from the weekend.’

The reason I love to take countless photos is because I believe they are the most beautiful way to treasure all the little memories that add up to make a very rich life.  I want this blog space to not only be a community where we talk about tough, honest stuff … but also a place where we can celebrate living. I’m excited to share more about my sweet little family here. I hope you enjoy a peak into our very spectacularly regular weekends. And if no one is interested … it is a great way for me to be diligent in preserving this season that keeps moving too fast !! Continue Reading…

collective, Lifestyle

On thank you notes and other grown up things.

January 10, 2015


rosa-merci-thank-you-greeting-card-01_1How is everyone doing with the fresh start of 2015? We are now just over a week in and this would typically be the time when people begin to fall back into the old rhythms, habits, and routines. Are you?

As I stated in a previous post, this year is different. I’m never too crazy about making resolutions, but the start of this year came with a deep sense of anticipation that I have never experienced.

I need newness. We all do, really. This year is the year of JOY and new life! And I am bound and determined to stick with it! Whatever your goals and aspirations may be, I encourage you to join me in holding onto the hope of a new year and all that is in front of us. Continue Reading…


on SAD.

November 21, 2014

10151871_10101784149367385_6481340408108722544_nPlease allow me to qualify something: I have seasonal affective disorder, also known as SAD. It’s a thing. A  real thing. I know a lot of us are not fans of the snow, and the cold, and the early sunsets … it can wear on anyone. But those with SAD understand that the dreary and cloudy skies of winter are accompanied by figuratively cloudy skies in ones mind and heart that linger through these months of less sunshine. Continue Reading…

Featured, Lifestyle

On discontentment.

October 31, 2014

Lake Michigan

(Note: I am in the woods with this topic –figuratively speaking, of course. So bare with me while I externally process, and please feel free to engage in the conversation.)

Whether we’d like to admit it our not, in some way, shape or form, we all struggle with discontentment. It may not be an ‘all the time’ struggle, and it may not weigh as heavy as other burdens, but I believe we can resonate on some level with the feeling of not being content in our present circumstances.

I am in it right now. And I feel like a jerk for saying this. Because I have so much! So, SO much! I believe though, that we can simultaneously be thankful for what we have, and still feel this dull hum of unsettledness in the pit of our guts.

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Featured, Lifestyle, Motherhood

On Beauty. (part one)

October 17, 2014


We can be so critical of others. And ourselves. I do not want to generalize women, because I understand this struggle is not exclusively weighing on us. Also, some of you do not struggle with this at all. But, if you could allow me to speak in general terms: We. Can. Be. So. Critical.

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